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Showing posts from January, 2019

Truth is Gone, Now Trust is Going...

On the day "alternative facts" were offered to provide an alternative reality, truth went out the door. Later this fascinating statement was reinforced with another that "truth is not truth". Talk of careless talk. Now consider this, computing is leading the way in offering alternative realities. AI offers ways to alter reality. With so much reliance on apps and social media, a good percentage of our reality comes down via apps and the Internet on our LCD screens. Its all digital. Digital is fairly easy to manipulate. But that's not my concern today. My concern is a trend in which the individual is slowly and surely losing sovereignty over their digital assets and identity.  Consider this: Email used to sit on desktop PCs downloaded via POP3. Now its all in the cloud. And its so massive, the thought of downloading it all to a local drive is insane. And anyway, how do you secure it? How to you search it?  So we yielded sovereignty to Google. Google is the...