2018 is gone. Gone with the wind. Here's a few apps that I found very useful: Google Keep I discovered this one by accident. It keeps your notes. That's not very interesting except it stores them in one repository on the cloud no matter whether you enter the notes on your phone or via web. Very very useful after keeping notes on my phone and losing them when the phone crashed and had to be factory-reset. You can install as an app from the Google Play Store . I presume an IOS version exists as well. 4K Downloader This one was so useful, I paid some $$ for it. It downloads Youtube videos unattended and you can set the quality and the download folder. It even detects if your video link belong to a playlist and downloads the entire playlist. I even downloads new videos automatically if you subscribe to the channel. And it can do 8k. And its on IOS and Linux And it can download from other video sites And more. There is a free version that works fine as long as yo...